
Access / アクセス

地下鉄東西線川内駅 隣り、東北大学川内キャンパスA05 、マルチメディア教育研究棟1F

  • 地下鉄 仙台市地下鉄東西線 仙台駅〜川内駅(約7分)、南2出口より徒歩1分
  • バス 仙台市バス 仙台駅前〜川内駅 約15分
  • タクシー 仙台駅〜川内駅 約10分


Contact / 連絡先


仙台市青葉区川内41 マルチメディア教育研究棟


is-failab-contact [at]

* Please DO NOT send emails with your CV/resume directly to the personal email addresses of our lab’s members (that includes all the faculties, tech staff, and students in our lab). We receive so many such emails from all over the world. These emails bother our daily activities, and it is difficult for us to read through and reply to all of them. Therefore, we have decided to treat all these emails as spam emails; You will never receive a response from us for such emails. We hope you will understand our situation. If you would like to join our lab, please find a socially responsible guarantor, such as a professor or researcher, and send an email to the contact email above through them. In this case, we will send you back a reply email.